
  • د. عفت صابر

د. عفت صابر

نائب عميد كلية الأعمال
أستاذ مشارك

مقر أبوظبي


  • PhD in Management, University of Hull, United Kingdom
  • Senior Certified Professional, Society of Human Resource Management
  • Certified Global Diversity, Equity, Inclusion HR Manager
  • Certified - Using AI for HR, Future Workplace

الاهتمامات البحثية

  • Organizational Behaviors & Performance
  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
  • Artificial Intelligence & HR
  • Sustainability & Entrepreneurship




منشورات مختارة

المواد التدريسية

  • Organizational Behavior
  • Leadership
  • Talent Management
  • Managing Performance
  • Strategic HRM
  • Compensation & Benefits Management
  • HR Planning, Recruitment & Staffing
  • Human Resource Development
  • Organization & Job Design


أهداف التنمية المستدامة المرتبطة بالخبرات

في عام 2015 اتفقت الدول الأعضاء في الأمم المتحدة على 17 هدفًا للتنمية المستدامة لإنهاء الفقر، وحماية الكوكب، وضمان الرفاه للجميع.

تساهم خبرة هذه الشخصية في أهداف التنمية المستدامة التالية:



  • Member, Society of Human Resource Management
  • Member, Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations
  • Member, Society of Psychologists in Leadership
  • Expert, UAE R&D Ecosystem, UAE Research Map

Analysing seasonal variation and forecasting the output of beverage industry in Pakistan using Demetra+

يناير 30, 2018

Liaqat Ali Iffat Sabir

Abstract: The study analyses the seasonal variation and forecasts the output of the beverage industry in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province of Pakistan, using a seven-year (month-wise) data from July 2007 to April 2014. Tramo Seats version of Demetra+ software has been used on log-transformed data with the distinct feature of automatic model identification to capture seasonal differences in output of the beverage industry in KPK. Results suggest wider fluctuations in the original series as compared to seasonal adjusted series which was mainly due to seasonal component in the time series instead of the irregular component; thus, confirming the principle of canonical decomposition of the data set in question. Results of non-parametric tests revealed a strong and stable seasonality pattern in the output of the beverage industry. Further, a significant difference between original and seasonal adjusted series has also been observed in the output. The results have implications for policy planners both at micro as well as macro level.

What Beer’s theory of viability can offer to the field of workforce emotions

ديسمبر 01, 2017

/ Iffat Sabir Angela Espinosa Richard Vidgen

Abstract: The study of emotions is the most densely populated field of organisational behaviour academic research. However, the application of systemic approaches to the field of workforce emotions is marginal. The current theoretical study intends to reveal the suitability of a systemic approach – the theory of viability (i.e., viable system model – VSM) for comprehending, diagnosing and managing employees’ emotions. The study illustrates how the realm of emotions management research can be enriched by the using VSM criteria and principles for managing complexity, to guide and organise existing research on emotions management. This conceptual review of existing theories is useful then for inspiring a more structured survey into investigating emotional management at the workplace. In this paper, we present the conceptual framework developed to conduct a recent PhD project based on this approach, as well as the design of the related survey and analysis.

Need for public bus transportation in A'Sharqiyah Governorate of Oman: the community's perception

سبتمبر 04, 2017

/ Iffat Sabir Zhra Al-Rashdi Ruqaiya Al-Mashrafi Karima Al-Rashdi Jean G. Maurice

The means of public transportation in A'Sharqiyah governorate of Oman are minimal and mostly based on private taxis. The development of a public transport system (specifically buses) can contribute significantly to solving many of the social problems of the region like traffic accidents, congestion and pollution. The current research evaluates the community's perception regarding the need for, and the benefits of a public bus service system in A'Sharqiyah governorate (north and south) of Oman. Furthermore, it determines the major expectations of the community concerning the potential bus transport system in the region. Four hundred and eighty nine residents of A'Sharqiyah region participated in the survey from all the cities of governorate. The results identified the high public demand for the bus service in the region. The findings also provide detailed account on the expectations of the residents regarding the bus service. The study has implications for practitioners as well as concerned public authorities.

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