
  • Research
  • Development of a techno-humanist model for e-health adoption of innov...

Development of a techno-humanist model for e-health adoption of innovative technology

May 17, 2018


Published in: International Journal of Medical Informatics

Background and Purpose: After investing billions of dollars in an integrated Electronic Medical Records (physicians) and Personal Health Records (patients) system to allow both parties to manage and communicate through e-health innovative technologies, Canada is still making slow adoption progress. In an attempt to bridge the human and technological perspectives by developing and testing a holistic model, this study purports to predict patients’ behavioral intentions to use e-health applications. Methods: An interdisciplinary approach labelled as a techno-humanism model (THM) is testing twelve constructs identified from the technological, sociological, psychological, and organizational research literature and deemed to have a significant effect upon and positive relationship with patients’ e-health applications adoption. Subjects were Canadians recruited in a mall-intercept mode from a region representing a demographically diverse population, including rural and urban residents. The SmartPLS measurement tool was used to evaluate the reliability and validity of study constructs. The twelve constructs were separately tested with quantitative data such as factor analysis, single, multiple, and hierarchical multiple regression. Results: The hierarchical multiple regression analysis process led us to formulate four models, each hinged on a combination of interdisciplinary variables. Model 1 consisted of the technological predictors and explained 62.3% (p < .001) of variance in the behavioral intention to use e-health. Model 2 added the sociological predictors to the equation and explained 72.3% (p < .001) of variance. Model 3 added the psychological predictors to Model 2 and explained 72.8% (p < .001). Finally, Model 4 included all twelve predictors and explained 73% (p < .001) of variance in the behavioral intention to use e-health applications. Conclusions: One of the greatest barriers to applying e-health records in Canada resides in the lack of coordination among stakeholders. The present study implies that healthcare policy makers must consider the twelve variables with their findings and implications as a whole. The techno-humanist model (THM) we are proposing is a more holistic and continuous approach. It pushes back to a breakdown of the various technological, sociological, psychological, and managerial factors and stakeholders that are at the root cause of behavioral intentions to use e-health, as opposed to merely observing behavioral outcomes at the end of the “assembly line”. Active participation and coordination of all stakeholders is a key feature.

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