Registration Rules

Registration Rules


 AAU students must carry out registration according to the announced dates in AAU’s academic calendar, as instructed below:

  1. Students must obtain a registration form from their college and fill in the courses in which they wish to register based on the Study Plan
  2. Students are not allowed to register a course unless they have studied the prerequisite(s) for that course;
  3. Students are not allowed to register for a course and its prerequisite(s) in the same semester, unless these courses are in the final semester, or if the student is re-taking the prerequisite(s). In this case, the student needs to obtain the Dean’s approval;
  4. Students must go to their academic advisor to approve the course and then proceed to the Finance Unit;
  5. Students must also go to the Admission and Registration Unit where the data is entered into their electronic file after double checking for the presence of the academic advisor’s and the Finance Unit’s stamps on the form.


In the regular semesters (first and second)

For undergraduate students, the following regulations specify issues relevant to a student’s academic load:

  1. The maximum number of credit hours for which the students can register is 18 hours, while the minimum is 12 hours.
  2. In some special cases, a student may register for up to a maximum of 21 credit hours under the following conditions:
    • If the student’s CGPA or SGPA is 3.6 or above;
    • If this load will enable the student to graduate at the end of the semester as specified.
  3. A student may register for less than 9 credit hours in the semester in which he/she plans to graduate.


For graduate students, the following regulations specify issues relevant to a student’s academic load:

  1. The maximum number of credit hours for which the students can register is 9 or12 (according to the program enrolled in) hours, while the minimum is 3 hours.


In Summer semester

  1. The maximum study load for an undergraduate student is 6 credit hours.
  2. The maximum study load for Diploma students is 6 credit hours.
  3. The maximum study load for Master students is 3 credit hours.


Adding and Dropping Courses

During the first week of a regular semester, or in the first two days of the summer session, a student may add or drop one or more courses. In order for a student to drop or add courses, he/she needs to obtain an add-and-drop form from the Admission and Registration Unit, and then follow the same steps required for registration above.


Academic Attendance

Students are expected to attend all scheduled lectures. Absence does not exempt a student from submitting the work that he/she is required to complete the course requirements. Absences will lead to:

  • The first warning for the absence of 10 % of the course hours;
  • A second warning for the absence of 20% of the course hours;
  • A failing grade (FA) in the course for an absence of 25% of the course hours.

If a student is absent 25% of the total hours of the course, the student will be forbidden to enter the final exams and a grade of (FA) will be sitting, thus the student will be considered fail in the course. the student can appeal providing reasons to explain any exceptional circumstances that occurred cousin these number of absences; Where the appealing letter will be provision for the possibility of its acceptance and approval by the dean, department head, and course instructor, if it accepted, the student is considered as withdrawn from the course and a mark of (W) is set instead of a (FA).

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