About the Deanship

About the Deanship


The Deanship of Scientific Research & Graduate Studies (DSRGS)  is the organizational unit of the Al Ain University responsible for the planning, management, promotion and support of research activities that are carried out by the academic departments through internal and external funding. Also DSRGS is responsible for the administration of programs of instruction leading to graduate credit and graduate degrees. It utilizes the specialized faculty and physical facilities of the academic colleges.


The Deanship is managed by Dean of Scientific Research & Graduate Studies, and the Dean has primary responsibility for the academic direction and administration of the Deanship, and the functional responsibilities of scientific research include research activities such as funded research projects, professional conference attendance, sabbatical leaves, release time, research scholarship programs and research awards. In addition, the deanship manages a central workshop that serves research needs of the colleges. The Deanship plans and manages research and other scholarly activities through the scientific research Council or Committee.

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