
AAU President Meets New Students

  • Posted on:Feb 29, 2012

AAU President Meets New StudentsThe Deanship of Student Affairs at Al Ain University of Science and Technology organized the second meeting with the new students joining AAU for the Second Semester. Prof. Ghaleb Awad El Refae, AAU President, attended the meeting along with college deans and faculty members.

Prof. El Refae welcomed the new students expressing his pleasure for their joining AAU. He underlined that they will receive the attention and support they need from AAU Administration and faculty. He also added that AAU seeks to provide distinguished services for its students and to ensure they find the appropriate atmosphere to study.

In addition, Prof. El Refae pointed out that AAU has taken strides in its development plan with regard to study plans and academic programs offered by its five colleges, the College of Engineering and Information Technology, the College of Pharmacy, the College of Law, the College of Education, and the College of Business Administration in addition to the Professional Diploma in Teaching and the MBA programs. To that end, AAU has appointed a group of academic experts in various disciplines; something that will reflect positively on the academic output sought by the students, while meeting, at the same time, the requirements of the job market.

Further, the AAU President drew the students’ attention to the importance of academic advising warning them against incomplete exams and academic warnings as they form the biggest element of pressure to students.

On her part, Dr. Ibtehal Aburezq, Dean of Student Affairs, welcomed the new students highlighting the Deanship of Student Affairs’ goals of facilitating the students’ pursuit of knowledge and supporting extracurricular activities that address the students’ interests and abilities through the Deanship’s various departments.

She added that the AAU’s long term plan seeks for its academic outcomes to be in tandem with the most recent educational and scientific research technologies. This requires students to develop the skills to keep up with these advances through academic references in all their forms.


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