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  • AAU organizes a workshop entitled "Customer Care Management"

AAU organizes a workshop entitled "Customer Care Management"

  • Posted on:Jul 26, 2016


In the context of the university's keenness to develop the level of professional and managerial competence of the staff in the various administrative levels, the Continuing Education center at Al Ain University -Abu Dhabi Campus- organized a workshop entitled "Customer Care Management" in collaboration with the Human Rsourses Unit at -AlAin Campus- presented by the trainer Hazem Hussein for two days for the administrative staff at Al Ain Campus, which is continuation for the workshop "Customer Service Skills" which was held by earlier for the administrative staff and the service providers in the in both campuses Abu Dhabi and Al Ain.

The training session started with explaining the difference between customer service and customer care management. Where trainer Hazem defined the customer service is all transactions that made with the client, whether (before, during or after) the transaction or buying a product or service, it is an opportunity to attract customers and save them while the customer care management are all strategies, policies, processes, and techniques by the institution in order to maintain existing customers and attract new customers, as well as continue to develop the service life cycle in innovative ways to ensure customer satisfaction.

He also explained the methods of applying distinguished service to the customer in general and students in particular, how to apply the concept of customer care management in the company, identify the service life cycle and of the development of strategies and policies in the (welcome, understanding, guidance, how to deal with customer complaints and finding solutions).

For his part, Mr. Zaidoun Hatamleh -Manager of the Continuing Education Canter- said that the Centre has put a comprehensive and systematic training plan to all levels of management at the university, which aims to achieve output of training which allows the trainees to master the skills required in the job field.


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