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  • AAU concludes the “Experiential Education” workshop

AAU concludes the “Experiential Education” workshop

  • Posted on:Mar 05, 2018


Al Ain University concluded the  “Best Practices for Planning and Evaluation of Experiential Education” workshop, which was organized by the AAU in collaboration with the Commission for Academic Accreditation - Ministry of Education, the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) and the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) over two consecutive days at Abu Dhabi Campus.

The workshop addressed various topics, most notably, on learning outcomes in the experiential education curriculum, and the importance of aligning experiential education with the curriculum. Also, the workshop included group works to discuss the most important aspects and suggestions of the workshops that are to be approved for the final recommendations.

Dr. Noor El Deen Atatreh, AAU Chancellor, stressed on the importance of developing education to promote and strength the academic outputs to benefit the staff and students. He added that this workshop is the base to qualify a pharmacist in Designing the structure of the introductory and advanced experiential education experiences.

For his part, Prof. Ghaleb Al Refae, AAU President, stressed on the importance of workshops that combine the theoretical and practical aspects in enhancing the skills of the faculty members through the meeting between distinguished experts from all over the world, the deans and faculty members to promote exchanging experiences and good practices.

Stressing on the importance of the workshop, Dr. Khairi Mustafa, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, said that the Faculty of Pharmacy seeks to maintain its distinguished position among the rest of the universities in particular through organizing these workshops, especially that it is the only college on the level of the United Arab Emirates taking place on the international accreditation of the (ACPE).

It is worth to mention that, this is the Third Regional Faculty Development Workshop organized by the AAU, which attracted more than 90 researchers and academicians from different universities of the region from inside and outside the country.



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