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  • AAU promotes remote communication during the holy month

AAU promotes remote communication during the holy month

  • Posted on:May 19, 2020

Al Ain University held an online Ramadan meeting with the university family from Al Ain and Abu Dhabi campuses, to enhance communication during the blessed month of Ramadan and as a commitment to implement the social distance laws applied in the UAE to limit the spread of Covid-19.

The meeting was attended by Dr. Noor El Deen Atatreh, AAU Chancellor, Prof. Ghaleb El Refae, AAU President, Dr. Amer Qasem, AAU Vice President, the academic and administrative staff from Al Ain an Abu Dhabi campuses. They exchanged congratulations and blessings on the holy month, and discussed the university’s plans to adapt the current situation, the mechanism of applying the distance learning system, and the mechanism of the future plans.

Dr. Atatreh emphasized that, despite the current circumstances that the world is going through, the education sector is one of the sectors that accompanied with this without affecting the student’s learning and that’s because of the great decisions by the wise leadership.

Prof. Al Refae pointed out that the implementation of the distance learning system faced many challenges that, AAU dealt with it in high professionalism, he also added that developing the education system continues as planned to keep pace with the current circumstances. 

The meeting received a positive interaction from the participants, who expressed their happiness by organizing the annual Ramadan meeting remotely, which brings together the university family in its both campuses in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain for the first time.


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