AAU Concludes the 6th Regional Workshop to develop faculty skills in pharmacy
- Posted on:May 25, 2021
Al Ain University concluded the 6th Regional Faculty Development Workshop, which was organized virtually under the title; Best Practices for Planning and Evaluation of Inter-Professional Education – Part 2. It was organized in collaboration with the Commission for Academic Accreditation (Ministry of Education), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP). And, in participation with more than 120 researchers, academics and speakers in the field of pharmacy, from various universities and colleges all over the world.
The two main speakers were hosted from USA; Dr. Sarah P. Shrader, Clinical Associate Professor - University of Kansas School of Pharmacy and Dr. Joseph A. Zorek, Linking Inter-Professional Networks for Collaboration, Associate Professor, School of Nursing - The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio.
The purpose of the workshop to help participants to be able to explain the importance of Inter-Professional Education and its alignment with other curricular requirements, design the structure of the introductory and advanced Inter-Professional Education, identify how to optimally prepare students, preceptors, and internship sites for Inter-Professional education, and, create an effective evaluation and assessment policy for the Inter-Professional education program.
This workshop is an extension of the 5th regional workshop organized by the AAU last year in Abu Dhabi campus. Where both of them were designed to help the pharmacy faculty members to plan and evaluate the Inter-Professional Education. It is also a good opportunity for experts, researchers and academicians from different countries of the world to exchange experiences, knowledge and ideas in various medical and pharmaceutical fields through theoretical lectures and group work applications.
Dr. Noor El Deen Atatreh, AAU Chancellor, affirmed the university’s keenness to hold the 6th edition of the regional workshop virtually, to preserve safety and security of participants in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. He also pointed out that the participation of a group of researchers in this workshop reflects their interest in scientific research, which is one of the priorities at Al Ain University.
Prof. Ghaleb El Refae, AAU President, stressed the importance of organizing workshops that integrate the theoretical and practical aspects to develop the skills of faculty members and create an effective development policy for professional education programs, which reflects positively on students and achieves Al Ain University's vision of enhancing the teacher’s and student’s skills. Pointing out that such workshops are a good chance to keep abreast of global and research developments and support projects and scientific research in various disciplines.
Stressing on the importance of the workshop, Dr. Khairi Mustafa, Dean of the College of Pharmacy, said that the Faculty of Pharmacy seeks to maintain its distinguished position among the rest of the universities in particular through organizing these workshops, especially that, the College of Pharmacy in Al Ain University was the first college in the United Arab Emirates got the international accreditation of the (ACPE).
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