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AAU ranked among the Top 200 (Worldwide) based on (THE) IMPACT RANKINGS 2023

  • Posted on:Jun 20, 2023

Al Ain University (AAU) has been ranked First in UAE, and TOP 200 Worldwide in Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings 2023, which includes 1,591 universities from 112 countries/regions.

In terms of the best three SDGs, AAU has achieved:

  • #6 (Worldwide) in SDG4 (Quality Education)
  • #33 (Worldwide) in SDG5 (Gender Equality)
  • #88 (Worldwide) in SDG8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth)

THE Impact Rankings 2023 are the first and only global performance tables that access the universities against the 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They use calibrated indicators to provide comprehensive and balanced comparisons across broad areas-research, stewardship, outreach, and teaching. The 17 UN SDGs, on which the performance of the universities is evaluated are (no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, clean water, and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, industry, innovation and infrastructure, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities, and communities, responsible consumption and production, climate action, life below water, life on land, peace, justice, and strong institutions and partnerships for the goals).

Prof. Ghaleb El Refae (AAU President), emphasized that the rankings affirm Al Ain University's commitment to achieving the highest standards of quality in education, in line with the goals of sustainable development. He also highlighted the university's dedication to providing a sustainable learning environment for students. The university's consecutive first-place ranking at the national level for the second year in a row demonstrates its prestigious position as an active contributor to the achievement of sustainable development goals through its strategic plans, scientific research, diverse initiatives, and the continuous hard work of all university staff in striving for further successes.

Dr. Nazih A. Khaddaj Mallat (Vice president, Accreditation & QA),; is more than elated by this great prismatic achievement of AAU by the renowned organization ‘Times Higher Education’. He recalls the great efforts of all the associated stakeholders progressively working towards attaining this recognition in scoring high grades in 3 of the SDGs’- (Quality Education, gender equality, and, decent work and economic growth) and altogether in 17 SDGs. He further adds, that AAU has come a long way and this major success is raising the spirits to gain ground.  

Al Ain University is keen to enhance its academic standing and reputation in both local and international spheres in the field of sustainable development, by focusing on promoting the quality of scientific research, organizing conferences, and launching initiatives, and will continue its efforts to achieve more goals in the future.


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