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AAU ranks 5th in UAE and 228th in Asia by QS Ranking for Sustainability 2024

  • Posted on:Dec 12, 2023

Al Ain University has achieved a new milestone by securing the 5th position within the United Arab Emirates, 228th in Asia, and 821-840 worldwide, according to the QS World Universities Ranking for Sustainability 2024. This ranking assesses the ability of global universities to achieve sustainable development goals.

The ranking assesses universities' performance against the complete set of 17th United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. It includes three main dimensions: firstly, the environmental impact, encompassing five indicators: equality, knowledge exchange, educational impact, employability and opportunities, and quality of life for universities. Secondly, the social impact, includes three indicators: sustainable institutions, sustainable education, and sustainable research. And thirdly, governance.

This ranking reflects Al Ain University's initiatives and efforts to address environmental and social challenges. It underscores its commitment to contributing to achieving sustainable development goals across all areas, demonstrating its dedication to preparing new generations to confront climate challenges and provide advanced ideas and solutions in this field.

Dr. Noor Al-Deen Atatrah, Vice Chairman of the Board of Trustees, stated, "The importance of sustainability-focused rankings lies in the fact that environmental sustainability is a central point of interest at the local, Arab, and global levels. This has been evident in the United Arab Emirates, with its significant focus on climate issues and sustainable development, prominently showcased in recent times through hosting COP28 at Expo Dubai. This achievement is a clear testament to Al Ain University's strategy and commitment to sustainable development, aligning with the wise leadership's directions in the country towards comprehensive development."

Prof. Ghaleb Al-Refae, the AAU president, affirmed that Al Ain University, as a leading academic institution, is committed to playing its role in achieving sustainable development goals and serving the nation, especially in light of the global emphasis on attaining the Sustainable Development Goals endorsed by the United Nations. He emphasized that the university utilizes scientific research to shed light on climate and environmental issues, among others, and puts forth innovative ideas to find effective solutions. In addition, he highlighted the series of events and activities organized by the university, contributing to the achievement of all 17th Sustainable Development Goals.

Dr. Nazih Khaddaj Mallat, Vice President for Accreditations and Quality Assurance, stated that Al Ain University, through its objectives, policies, mission, and the members of its academic and administrative bodies, seeks to enhance sustainable responsibility through its core functions in education, scientific research, and the development of academic programs. This includes both curricular and extracurricular activities, as well as community service. He emphasized that the university is constantly striving to excel and progress on all fronts, achieved through the concerted efforts of all involved.


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