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  • Workshop entitled "From Idea to Action Plan"

Workshop entitled "From Idea to Action Plan"

  • Posted on:Feb 23, 2023

The Deanship of Student Affairs (Abu Dhabi Campus), in cooperation with the College of Business and under the supervision of Dr. Reham Muqtash, organized a workshop entitled "From Idea to Action Plan" presented by Mr. Sherif Abdel Hadi, "Consultant and Business Developer" on the occasion of the International Day of Creativity and Innovation and coinciding with the month of innovation in the UAE.

The workshop aimed to explain how to choose an idea, evaluate its suitability for the market, study the possibility of its expansion, and then implement and develop the project. The workshop also helped to discuss the challenges facing startups and what are the criteria that help startups succeed.

The lecturer also explained the importance of defining the prototype or what is known as MVP and its importance in evaluating the idea and knowing the customer’s need for it, and what are the most important steps that must be taken before implementing the idea, such as making a model and business plan and studying competitors and the market.


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