The postgraduate poster competition

  • The postgraduate poster competition

The postgraduate poster competition 



Al Ain University invites postgraduate students for a poster competition which will take place as an integral part of the 1st AAU International Conference on Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences| January 18-19, 2023| Abu Dhabi, UAE.

The competition is meant to provide a unique opportunity for graduate students to enhance their science, advance their presentation skills, and interact with peers from over the world. We will have three winners and their names will be announced at the closing ceremony of the conference. The awards will be valuable cash prizes, winner certificates. All participating students will receive a certificate of participation.

To participate, please complete the online student registration via the link: Click here and submit your abstract via this link: Click here


Eligibility criteria

  1. The competition is open to all graduate students who are currently enrolled in a master or PhD program or Alumni who graduated within the last year preceding the conference date.
  2. All research on drug design, biotechnology, biomedical sciences, nutrition, or any related disciplines is eligible.
  3. Only experimental and original research or comprehensive systemic review or metanalyses are allowed while literature review is not eligible.


Evaluation criteria

All abstracts will be reviewed be expert reviewers in each domain of the conference and the presenters of selected abstracts will be notified by December 5th, 2022 and given a poster display code. The competitors will be asked to record and upload a 5 min video explaining their research and will be given a 5-minutes time to communicate their posters to the judging panel and attendees.
Each poster will be evaluated based on numerical scores that assess 1) scientific merit and impact of the research, 2) effective communication of the presenter and their overall knowledge in the field, and 3) poster design and organization.


Poster formatting and display guidelines

  • Size of the poster is 90 cm width and 150 cm height (vertical format)—double check these matches the display board.
  • Posters should be displayed on the appropriate board with the designated display code
  • All posters should be displayed before 10 am of January 18, 2023. and removed after 6 pm of January 19, 2023.
  • Presenting author should be present beside the poster during the specified poster sessions. Unattended posters will not be evaluated and will be excluded from the competition.
  • Materials required to fix the poster will be available at the display hall.

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