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  • Lecture titled “Chiropractic” in the Al Ain University

Lecture titled “Chiropractic” in the Al Ain University

  • Posted on:Feb 09, 2015

Lecture titled “Chiropractic” in the Al Ain UniversityThe Deanship of Students Affairs at the Al Ain University, based in Abu Dhabi, in cooperation with the Canadian Medical Center, organized a lecture titled "Chiropractic" presented by Dr Maurice Sackett, in the presence of a number of faculty members and university students.

The talk included a detailed explanation of chiropractic which is a natural health care that stresses the importance of securing the efficient performance of all organs of the physical structure. It is also often used to treat musculoskeletal complaints and neurons, including the upper back pain, lower back pain, neck pain and herniated problems (disc),  joint pain and sports injuries,  as well as sciatica and headaches.

Dr Maurice added that the chiropractic methodology does not depend on the use of the drugs, but using the hands to provide health care, including screening and treating patients, and in most cases the source of the problem can be corrected naturally for body convalescence, without any surgical interventions.


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