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AAU prepares for launching the Business & Economics Society International Conference

  • Posted on:Jan 04, 2017

Al Ain University completed its preparations to launch the 30th Business & Economics Society International Conference next Sunday in Abu Dhabi campus. The conference is organized by the University in collaboration with the Business and Economics Society International in the United States, with a participation of nearly 150 researchers and academicians from more than 20 countries.

The conference presents the most important issues and developments on the economic sector and in the business field through different sessions and presentations for more than 100 research papers in various economic subjects such as: marketing, finance, statistics and business laws and its relation between other areas: media, education, law and engineering.

This conference is an opportunity for experts and academicians, businessmen and researchers to be updated with the latest developments in the economic field and financial markets, create opportunities for cooperation-related sectors, and build communication bridges between businessmen and academicians. Where, embracing the university for this conference will contribute to achieve the aim in strengthening the scientific research and innovation which gives great importance to researchers, supports the sciences and scientific researches and enhances the intellectual and scientific development.

The Business & Economics Society International Conference is considered as one of the most prominent conferences that deal with the economy and business, which was launched by the Business and Economics Society International 26 years ago in Boston city and then held in France, Spain, Greece, Italy, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Canada and Argentina, in addition to the UAE where, the conference was held for the first time in an Arab country at Abu Dhabi in 2013.



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