
AAU Iftar Banquet Enhances family spirit

  • Posted on:Jun 03, 2018


Al Ain University at (Abu Dhabi and Al Ain campuses) gathered in the collective Iftar Banquet organized by the university on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan, in the presence of Dr. Noor Al Deen Atatreh, AAU Chancellor, Prof. Ghaleb El Refae, AAU President, Dr. Amer Qasem, AAU Vice President, Deans, Deputy Deans, Heads of departments and a number of academic and administrative members. Where this Iftar comes within the university’s objectives which seek to achieve social affinity and spirit among employees and to strengthen bonds of love and brotherhood and communication between them.

Dr. Atatreh pointed out the importance of such events in Ramadan, which reflects the keenness to promote social relations between employees within a family atmosphere. He expressed his appreciation to all attendees and blessed them the holy month.

Prof. El Refae, emphasized that organizing social events enhances the communication and familiarity between the employee, encourage them to work hard, and enhance communication among them.

After having the Iftar, to break the routine of the work, the event was overwhelmed with atmosphere of fun and entertainment by offering a range of cultural and entertaining competitions which the employees participated in the spirit of vitality and enthusiasm, where the university is continuously seeking to hold such events to promote cooperation and the one-team spirit through its  traditions and customs.

The staff members emphasized that the group Iftar contributes to enhance the belonging of employees, which reflects positively on their performance.



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