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  • AAU President meets new students virtually

AAU President meets new students virtually

  • Posted on:Sep 06, 2020

Prof. Ghaleb El Refae, AAU President, met the new students who joined Al Ain University in the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021, through a virtual meeting organized by the Deanship of Student Affairs via Microsoft Teams, which is considered the first welcoming meeting which gathered students from both campuses. In the presence of Dr. Amer Qasem, AAU Vice President, the Deans, Prof. Ibtehal Aburezeq, Dean of Student Affairs, and Dr. Hani Al Jarrah, Deputy Dean.

Prof. El Refae, welcomed the new students and stressed that all the AAU’s staff will take care of and support them. In addition to, providing all the services for the students to create an appropriate atmosphere to facilitate the educational process, especially in the current situation due to the Corona pandemic. He also indicated that the university embraces all students with all their creativity, energies, talents, and appreciates choosing Al Ain University to start their career.

For her part, Dr. Aburezeq welcomed the new students and provided an introduction about the Deanship of Student Affairs, its goals, mission, and activities. She also urged students to enhance communication with the deanship's staff in case of any inquiries or suggestions. Wishing everyone a great university life full of excellence and positivity. She also pointed out the necessity of reading the Students Handbook because it includes lots of information that benefit them, especially the topics of the university’s honor list, students’ rights and responsibilities, academic regulations including complaints about the final grade of the course, academic integrity, and others. She also drew their attention to the presence of many committees that are formed at the university to serve and care for students during their academic and university life, such as the Community Engagement Committee, the Student Discipline Committee, the Student Appeal Committee, and the Student Grievance Committee.


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