Al Ain University got 5 Stars in Online Learning based on QS Rating
- Posted on:Jul 22, 2020

Al Ain University (AAU) has received the highest ratings (5-stars) in “Online Learning” category, based on the “QS Stars Rating System”, operated by QS (the independent compiler of the QS World University Rankings since 2004). The QS Stars offers the academic institutions the opportunity to be assessed in their ability to deliver online teaching through distance or blended learning degrees.
The “QS Stars Online Learning” category is comprised of several indicators, each worth between 5 and 30 points, for a total possible score of 100. These indicators look at a variety of aspects of online learning, and institutions submit evidence to show how well they meet each of these criteria. The indicators are: Student-faculty engagement, Student interaction, Student services and technology, Online outsourcing, Application per enrolment / Faculty-student ratio, and Commitment to online learning.
Prof. Ghaleb El Refae (AAU President (said Al Ain University is proud to receive the highest rating in more than one category of the “QS Stars Rating System”, which is a new achievement added to the university. He added that, this achievement was a result of continuous work and efforts to promote the future education in light of the current situation happened in the world due to COVID-19, which affected the educational process, but Al Ain University was keen to continue easily without affecting students negatively.
Dr. Nazih Khaddaj Mallat (Director, Quality Assurance and Institutional Research Center) stated that the “QS Stars Rating System” has helped our institution in projecting the areas of its strength and the areas of improvements, which will be definitely reflected in the upcoming years. He added, “Al Ain University” is very keen and fully committed to make sure that the education of the students is moving forward, no matter the circumstances.
Eng. Mohammad Al-Saidat (Director of IT Center) expressed his happiness with this achievement, which is a joint effort who worked hard to reach such success in the online learning process.
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