
  • Research
  • An Efficient Routing Scheme for Intrabody Nanonetworks using Artifici...

An Efficient Routing Scheme for Intrabody Nanonetworks using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm

Jul 02, 2020

DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2997635

Published in: Journal

Publisher: IEEE

H. Fahim S. Javaid W. Li I. B. Mabrouk M. A. Hasan and M. B. B. Rasheed

An Intrabody Nanonetwork (IBNN) is constituted by nanoscale devices that are implanted inside the human body for monitoring of physiological parameters for disease diagnosis and treatment purposes. The extraordinary accuracy and precision of these nanoscale devices in cellular level disease diagnosis and drug delivery are envisioned to advance the traditional healthcare system. However, the feature constraints of these nanoscale devices, such as inadequate energy resources, topology-unawareness, and limited computational power, challenges the development of energy-efficient routing protocol for IBNNs. The presented work concentrates on the primary limitations and responsibilities of IBNNs and designs a routing protocol that incorporates characteristics of Exponential Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) Based Opportunistic Data Transmission (EWMA-ODT) and Artificial Colony Algorithm Based Query Response Transmission (ABC-QRT) approaches for efficiently handling the routing challenges of IBNNs. In EWMA-ODT, the moving Nano Biosensors (NBSs) employ the EWMA method attributes to aggregate detected data by assigning high weightage to the recent detected information. Later, the aggregated data is transmitted to the Nano Router (NR) when the direct data transmission opportunity is available, the reception of aggregated briefs NR about the condition of the network after the last successful interaction with minimum energy consumption. Whereas, the ABC-QRT approach introduces the ABC algorithm for the selection of those optimal NBSs that have maximum fitness value for satisfying the data transmission demand of the external healthcare system with minimal traffic overhead. The simulation results validate that the joint contribution of these approaches enhances IBNNs lifetime and reduces end-to-end delay as compared to the flooding scheme.

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