
  • Research
  • Impact of misleading/false advertisement to consumer behaviour

Impact of misleading/false advertisement to consumer behaviour

Aug 13, 2018


Published in: International Journal of Economics and Business Research

Publisher: inderscience

/ Mohammed Nuseir

False or misleading advertisements have, in the recent past been on the rise as a result of businesses seeking to compete for customers. Accuracy should entail full disclosure of all information because this is crucial in the marketing field where consumers expect to make informed decisions. In this study, it has been found that while misleading advertisements tend to provide overtly more positive information than is necessary, such positivity tend to result in negative experience for customers. Studies are expanding in the roles of false and misleading information that form the content of advertisements. This study has explored the importance of enhancing marketing activities through truthful facts to ensure that the functions of the organisation are believable and thus helpful to customers to make the right decisions. The study emphasises the importance of buyer being aware about a product or services through careful search during the buyer decision process.

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