
  • Research
  • Market Driven Sustainable Construction and Demolition Waste in UAE

Market Driven Sustainable Construction and Demolition Waste in UAE

Nov 30, 2019


Published in: Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana

Publisher: MI Publication Services

/ Liza Gernal Rommel Sergio Ahmed Jamal Musleh

Waste management is a major problem and challenge specially in countries that have just started to build their infrastructure like the United Arab Emirates where the daily generation of huge waste is not tolerable. The Government of United Arab Emirates has created different initiatives coupled with several recycling projects to balance between the environmental sustainability along with the economic growth to ensure the long-term quality of life of its citizens and its residents. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the regulations in the country as well as the cost recovery of one of the recycling projects in United Arab Emirates treatment plant, and its market driven acceptability of using Construction and Demolition Waste. This research paper highlights the exceptional work of the 10 construction companies in the United Arab Emirates in their operational achievements as turnaround after the recession. Some of the aim the objectives of this research are to explore the regulation, cost recovery scenarios for the plant under different policy and economy options, introduce the optimum solution in terms of cost recovery considering the environmental, social, and economic implications, and develop an integrated solution for the management of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW). Effective strategies that will help businesses during this period include expanding into crisis-resistant markets such as acceptability of the market to use CDW; introducing market lines; maintaining prices while augmenting existing products; developing adaptive positioning; using informative advertisements; and pruning marginal channels.

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