
  • Research
  • The role of intellectual property laws in creating a favourable envir...

The role of intellectual property laws in creating a favourable environment for investment

Aug 03, 2020

DOI: 10.1163/15730255-BJA10048

Published in: Arab Law Quarterly

Publisher: Arab Law Quarterly (Brill) Scopus

/ Firas Massadeh / Tariq Kameel

This article analyses the role of intellectual property laws in fostering domestic and foreign investment in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). As a signatory to all the major international agreements on intellectual property rights, such as the World Intellectual Property Organisation, the UAE has established legislative protection of intellectual property rights to create a favourable environment for investment. This study has two main aims. First, it analyses whether the approach taken by UAE legislators provides assurance for intellectual property holders and their related investments. Second, it reviews whether this approach indicates if the UAE has the political and legal will to provide incentives for investors. The study found that the UAE’s intellectual property laws are equitable, accurate, and capable of drawing the attention of foreign direct investment. With such a competent legal framework, the UAE demonstrates it has the required political and legal will to foster foreign direct investment.

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