Technical talk about: Terahertz (THz) Technology
- 24, نوفمبر 2014
- Start 11:00 AM
Al Ain University (AAU), in conjunction with IEEE UAE MTT-S Chapter and IEEE AAU Student Branch, is pleased to invite you to a technical talk about:
Terahertz (THz) Technology
Date: Monday, November 24th, 2014
Time: 11h:00 – 13h:00
Venue: Al Ain University (Al Ain Campus), Building S, Yas Room
Location Map:
Speaker: Prof. N.V.S.N. Sarma (Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology, India)
Biography: Prof. Sarma obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering with specialization Electronics and Communications Engineering from JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada, in 1984. His Masters and Doctoral degrees are from Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India in the year 1985 and 1992 respectively. He has been with the department of Electronics and Communications Engineering at National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India at various positions since 1990. His area of interest includes Numerical Electromagnetics and Adaptive antenna arrays.
Abstract: For more than last forty years, terahertz components and instruments have primarily been developed for space science applications in radio astronomy and planetary sciences. However, in recent years, terahertz waves are increasingly being used in commercial applications such as high speed communications, security imaging, autonomous landing and refueling of airplanes, and medicines. In this presentation, an overview of the state of the terahertz technology will be presented. The talk will detail the science and other applications that specifically require technology at terahertz frequencies. The challenges of the future generation instruments and detectors at these frequencies in addressing the needs for critical scientific and commercial applications will also be discussed.
· Inquiries: Dr. Nazih Khaddaj Mallat
College of Engineering & IT, Deputy Dean
IEEE UAE MTT-S Chapter, Chair