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  • E-learning systems versus instructional communication tools: Developi...

E-learning systems versus instructional communication tools: Developing and testing a new e-learning user interface from the perspectives of teachers and students

Sep 01, 2019


Published in: Technology in Society

Focusing on Human E-learning Interaction (HEI), this interdisciplinary research integrates concepts from instructional communication and instructional technology and applies them to e-learning systems, focusing on academic stakeholders' roles and competencies. The purpose of this research is to propose and design an E-learning User Interface (ELUI) using web programming languages to support instructional communication in an online learning environment. The proposed interface, considering both students' and teachers' perspectives, identifies several new features that contribute to success in interactive e-learning systems in academic organizations. A sample of 102 students and 10 teachers selected from a university in Canada were asked to browse the ELUI proposed in this study and provide feedback. Using a mixed methods approach, this study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis to provide a more robust understanding of student and teacher perceptions of the ELUI. Students' attitudes toward use of the interface were analyzed using the Technology Acceptance Model, while teachers’ perceptions were analyzed through content analysis of semi-structured interviews. The results of regression analysis showed that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of ELUI are predictive of student attitude toward future use of the ELUI. The results of the interviews revealed that teachers believe the ELUI would be efficient, particularly with adequate training and support, though were unable to comment on the cost effectiveness of e-learning systems. The overall results suggest that academic decision-makers should adopt instructional communication features in e-learning systems.

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