
  • Research
  • Metamaterial inspired electromagnetic bandgap filter for ultra-wide s...

Metamaterial inspired electromagnetic bandgap filter for ultra-wide stopband screening devices of electromagnetic interference

Jan 10, 2023

DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-40567-x

Published in: Scientific Reports

Publisher: Nature

/ muath alhasan / Amjad Iqbal

Presented here is a reactively loaded microstrip transmission line that exhibit an ultra-wide bandgap. The reactive loading is periodically distributed along the transmission line, which is electromagnetically coupled. The reactive load consists of a circular shaped patch which is converted to a metamaterial structure by embedded on it two concentric slit-rings. The patch is connected to the ground plane with a via-hole. The resulting structure exhibits electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) properties. The size and gap between the slit-rings dictate the magnitude of the reactive loading. The structure was first theoretically modelled to gain insight of the characterizing parameters. The equivalent circuit was verified using a full-wave 3D electromagnetic (EM) solver. The measured results show the proposed EBG structure has a highly sharp 3-dB skirt and a very wide bandgap, which is substantially larger than any EBG structure reported to date. The bandgap rejection of the single EBG unit-cell is better than − 30 dB, and the five element EBG unit-cell is better than − 90 dB. The innovation can be used in various applications such as biomedical applications that are requiring sharp roll-off rates and high stopband rejection thus enabling efficient use of the EM spectrum. This can reduce guard band and thereby increase the channel capacity of wireless systems.

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