
  • Ahmed Khaled Ahmed, Ph.D

Ahmed Khaled Ahmed, Ph.D

Assistant Professor

Al Ain Campus


My Biography/ My life story:

I grew up in Egypt in a small village in the Nile valley.  I started my Education at young age in the village Islamic one-house school.  Then, I completed my elementary education with distinction from an elementary school in another town three miles away from my small village.  I got full marks in all subjects except Arabic on the Egyptian National Elementary School Exams.  Then, I completed my middle and High School Education in another town 10 miles away from my village.  Then, I joined the College of Education with a full scholarship despite the objection of my family since teachers are not well paid. I became high school teacher and then joined the College of Education, Mansoura University as an instructor.    I spent the next six years teaching a variety of subjects from literature to basic skills.

Then, I got a full scholarship to study in the US for 13 months.  In 1984, I completed my first MA in Linguistics in one year of overloaded schedule.  During the same year, I also got married to my late wife; Barbara Woodward Gould.   Then, I got a job teaching English at Kuwait University.  I made a choice to accept a job at Kuwait University where I stayed for the next eight years during which Kuwait was invaded by Iraq and was liberated the in 1990.  My son; Omar was born in March 13, 1989.  In 1993, I went back to the US to pursue my higher education.  I started my doctoral degree in Linguistics and so was my late wife.  Then, one our professor advised me to pursue another degree to be able to get jobs.  So, I changed my track and pursued another degree in Education.  In 1996, I received my second MA in Secondary Education with a certification to teach English in secondary schools.  In 1997, I started my Doctoral degree in Adult, Higher and Community Education which I completed in 2001. In the same year, I received an offer to teach at the United Arab Emirates University where I stayed for 8 years teaching at the Department of Foundations of Education.  In 2009, I got another job at the College of Education of Al Ain University where I have been teaching up till now.  This is in short my biography.


  • Doctor of Education (July, 2001) in Educational Leadership (Higher, Adult and Community Education), and Teaching English as a Second Language from the Department of Educational Leadership, Ball State University, Muncie, IN, 47306. (USA) Dissertation:
  • Master of Arts & Teacher Certification Program in Secondary Education with concentration on teaching English (1996), Ball State University, Muncie, IN. (USA)
  • Master of Arts in General Linguistics (1984), Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana. (USA)
  • Graduate Diploma in Education & Methods of Teaching English (TEFL), (1980), Mansoura University Mansoura, Egypt.
  • B. A. in English Literature & Education (1978), Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt

Research Interests

  1. Program Planning and Program Evaluation.
  2. Research Trends and Research Methodology
  3. Faculty Evaluation and the Trilogy of the Professorate
  4.  Scholarship of Teaching and the Scholarship Learning
  5. Trends and Research Methodology
  6. Philosophy and teaching and Learning
  7. Technology and teaching and learning 
  8. International, Regional and National Accreditations
  9. Gender Issues and Diversity Issues.
  10. 10.  Multiculturalism and Bilingualism.


Selected Publications

  1. Ahmed Khaled, Samir Dukmak* and Ibtehal M. Aburezeq (2019). Public school teachers’ perceived sense of self-efficacy in teaching students with disabilities in the United Arab Emirates” Published in: “The Journal of International Economics and Business Research Vol.17, No. (1). (2019). (ScopusJournal).
  2. Ahmed Khaled, Samir Dukmak&Fawi F. Ishtaiwa (2017). “Pre-service Teachers’ Perception of their Educational Preparation” . Published in the International Journal for Research in Education” (IJRE).Vol. 41,issue (1), UAEU (2017).
  3. Ahmed Khaled, Omar Khasawneh & Mohammad Al Momani (2016). “The Implications of Naturalism as an Educational Philosophy in Jordan from the Perspectives of Childhood Education Teachers”. Published in Journal of Education and Practice. Vol. 7, No 11 (2016).
  4. Ahmed Khaled , Fawzi Fayez Ishtaiwa, , Samir Dukmak (2015). Faculty Members' Perceptions of the Integration, Affordances, and Challenges of Mobile Learning. International Journal of E-Learning & Distance Education. Vol. 30 No.2.
  5. Ahmed Khaled Ahmed ,Hanan Al Shagran, Omar M. Khaswneh, &Adeeb M. Jarrah (2015). Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Of Syrian Refugees in Jordan. International Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Science. Vol.3 No. 3,March 2015
  6. Ahmed Khaled Ahmed (2013).  “Teacher-Centered Versus Learner –Centered Teaching Style”.The Journal of Global Business Management.Vol.9.No.1 February 2013.
  7. Ahmed Khaled, Abdelmoneim A. Hassan, and Ali Al Kaabi (August, 2010). “Perceived Teacher Preparation within a College of Education Teaching Program"  published in the International Journal of Applied Educational Studies (IJAES) Volume 8 Issue 1(2010).



Conference Presentations and Publications:

Ahmed K. Ahmed & Andrew J. Barrett II (2007).  “Midwest Adult Education Research Methodologies: An Update with a Twenty-Five Years Review and Implications for Research at the College of Education United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)”.A paper presented at the 26th. Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing, Community, and Extension Education held at Ball State University-September 25-27, 2007 (The paper was also published in the conference proceedings).


Ahmed K. Ahmed &Abdulr-Rahman Al-Mekhlafi (2007).  “The Use of Technology as a Medium of School Reform in the United Arab Emirates” a paper presented at the International Conference on: “School Reform, Challenges and Aspirations” Dubai, April 17-19, 2007. (The paper was also published in the conference proceedings).


Ahmed K. Ahmed &Abdulr-Rahman Al-Mekhlafi (2003) “AnInvestigation of Faculty Members’ Needs for the Use of Technology in their Teaching of College of Education Students at the UAE University” A paper presentedat: The International Conference on:  “Redesigning Teacher Education for the Third Millennium” sponsored by the UAEU and other organizations, held in Dubai on October 21-23, 2003.  (The paper was also published in the Conference proceedings).


Ahmed K. Ahmed &Sheikah Al-Teneji (2003) “Revised Admission Standards in Redesigned TeacherEducation Programs at UAEU.” A paper presented at: The International Conference on:  “Redesigning Teacher Education for the Third Millennium” sponsored by the UAEU and other organizations, held in Dubai on October 21-23, 2003. The paper was also published in the Conference proceedings.


Ahmed K. Ahmed & Mohammed M. Salem (2003).  “In Search of Accreditation: “Developing Learning Communities at the College of Education at the United Arab Emirates University”.  A paper presented at: The International Conference on:  “Redesigning Teacher Education for the Third Millennium” held in Dubai (Oct.21-23), and sponsored by the UAEU and other organizations. The paper was also published in the Conference proceedings.


Ahmed K. Ahmed & James McElhinney (2001). “The Relationships Between ScholarlyActivities of Teaching and the Scholarly Activities of Research” a paper published in:  The Proceedings of the 20th. Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing and Community Education.   (The paper was also presented at the conference).


Ahmed K. Ahmed and Andrew J. Barrett II (2000).  “Midwest Adult Education Research Methodology:  a 17 Year Study”.A paper published in: The Proceedings of the 19th. Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference in Adult, Continuing and Community Education.  (The paper was also presented at the conference).    ( )


Ahmed K. Ahmed, Pierre Atchade, Jean Fleming, and Margaret Webber (1998).  "What matters in planning a conference: A self-study by members of the planning committee for the 17th Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference".  A paper was published inthe Proceedings of the 17th Annual Midwest Research-to-Practice Conference.   (The paper was also presented at the conference). (


Ahmed K. Ahmed, James McElhinney, Bobby Malone, and Juan Judikis (1997-2000).  “The Evaluation of Block Scheduling of Westfield School District”:  State-funded evaluation study.  The result was the writing of qualitative and quantitative reports based on the four-year evaluation.


Ahmed K. Ahmed & James McElhinney (1998, 1999,& 2000).  “The evaluation of AmeriCorps Program in Some Indiana School Systems”: A federally-funded program.  Reports (one every year) were submitted to Indiana school districts.  


Professional Experience

  • Assistant Professor (September, 2009-Present), College of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences at Al-Ain University.
    • I am currently teaching students preparing to become Middle and Secondary school teachers in the UAE and Oman in addition to School teachers seeking to complete their Processional Diploma in Teaching degree.  
    • Head of the Department of Professional Diploma in Teaching (September, 2012- September, 2014), College of Education at Al Ain University of Science and Technology with 21full time faculty members and two part-time faculty members. 
  • Head of the Department of Professional Diploma in Teaching (September, 2012- September, 2014),
    College of Education at Al Ain University of Science and Technology with 21 full time faculty members andtwo part-time faculty members. 
  • Assistant Professor (September, 2001-August, 2009) at Department of Foundations of Education,
    College of Education,
    United Arab Emirates University.
  • Doctoral Research Fellow / Teaching Assistant (1997-2001),
    Department of Leadership and the Department of Educational Studies, Ball State University, Muncie, IN, 47306, USA.
  • Graduate Assistant (1994-1996 & Spring and Summer, 1991),
    Department of Secondary, Higher, and Foundations of Education,
    Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, USA.
  • English Language Instructor (1984-1990, 1991-1993 – “8 years”),
    University of Kuwait, 5 years teaching in the College of Sharia (Islamic Studies) and 3 years teaching in the College of Education, part-time teaching English at the Kuwait University Center for Continuing Education and the Kuwaiti National Guards.
  • English Language Instructor (1980-1983) at the Department of Foreign Languages,
    Mansoura University, Mansoura, Egypt.

Teaching Courses

  • Courses taught in English include School Administration and Classroom Management (0401 524 E); School Curriculum and UAE Curriculum (0401 525 E); Human Development and Learning (0601 521) now Educational Psychology (0401 521 E); Teaching in Diversified Environment and Teaching Special Needs Students (0601 526); Methods of Teaching English for students preparing to become secondary school teachers of English as a foreign language (0401 533); Capstone Course for students in the English Language Teacher Education Program (0402 417); Methods of Teaching English for students in the ELT Program (0402 407).  I have also supervised students preparing to become elementary and secondary school teachers of English as a foreign language in their teaching practicum (0402 427). I have also supervised In-Service teachers who were doing their practicum to complete their Professional Diploma in Teaching in different Al Ain School Zone.
  • a)Taught students preparing to become elementary and secondary school teachers in the government schools in the UAE.  Courses included Learning Communities for English major students in the Professional Diploma in teaching (FOED554); Learning Communities for English major students in the Elementary School Program (FOED 101) using the Laptop Project (E-Learning);School and Family for English major students (FOED 201) using the Laptop Project (E-Learning); Classroom Environment for English major students (CURR. 313); Capstone course for English teacher candidates in the Elementary School Program (CURR.424);  Capstone course for English teacher candidates in the Professional Diploma in Teaching Program(CURR. 585); Methods of Teaching English for Professional Diploma candidates (CURR 575); and Content and Pedagogical Development for English Teaching(CURR. 358).  Supervised English major students in teaching practicum in three different school zones: in Al-Ain School Zone; Dubai school Zone; and Ras Al-Khaimah School Zone.
  • b)     Courses Taught in Arabic: Courses included Learning Communities (FOED 101); Adult Education (FOED 510); School Administration (FOED 522); and Exploratory Field Experiences: (CURR.  210); Education and the Future regular and via Video-Conferencing (FONED 100); Communication & Information System (FONED 553) for School Principals’ training program..
  • a)     Taught Secondary Education students preparing to become Middle and Secondary School teachers.  Courses taught included Basic Concepts of Secondary Education (EDSEC. 150); Multicultural Education (EDMUL. 205); and Foundations of Education (EDFON. 420).
  • b)    A member of a research team involved in a five-year evaluation project of the

effects of Block Scheduling implemented in the American school system.

  • c)  A member of the planning committee of the 17th Annual Midwest Research-To-Practice Conference, 1998----Developed the web-page for the conference (
  • Supervised &Ran Micro- Teaching programs for Secondary Education

Candidates.  Courses taught included Multicultural Education (EDMUL. 205);

 and Foundation of Education (EDFON. 420).    

  • Course taught included English Skills/ General English (TEFL) to Education students with diverse levels and abilities: English 099;ENG 110; ENG111; andENG 112.   Taught English for Specific Purposes (ESP) to College of Sharia (Islamic Studies) students: English 099; ESP 151;ESP 152; ESP 252; andESP 253.  Developed teaching materials; quizzes, and exams to all these courses in both colleges.
  • Courses taught included General English (TEFL) for the College of Education students; English For Specific Purposes (ESP) for students studying at the College of Science, College of Engineering, College of Medicine, and College of  Business and Commerce; English Literature; English Linguistics; Translation from/ to English and Arabic; English Conversation; and Essay Writing to students preparing to become teachers of English as a foreign language in the government schools in Egypt.


English Language Instructor (1978-1980), Mansoura Middle and High government schools, Mansoura, Egypt.

a)  Taught General English (TEFL) to all grade levels.



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