Women Entrepreneurship, Corporate Social Responsibility, Behavioral Ethics in Organizations.
Farooq, M., Khan, F. (2024). Ethical leadership and reporting behavior of employees: social cognitive perspective of morality on the bases of emotions, Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, in Press 10.1108/JEAS-02-2023-0039
Sandhu, M.A., Farooq, O., Khalid, S. and Farooq, M. (2021), "Benchmarking entrepreneurial intentions of women in the United Arab Emirates", Benchmarking: An International Journal, Vol. 28 No. 9, pp. 2771-2785. 10.1108/BIJ-09-2020-0497
Arshad, M., Farooq, M., Atif, M., & Farooq, O. (2020). A motivational theory perspective on entrepreneurial intentions: a gender comparative study. Gender in Management: An International Journal. 10.1108/GM-12-2019-0253
Arshad, M., Farooq, M., Afzal, S., & Farooq, O. (2019). Adoption of information systems in organizations. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. 10.1108/JEIM-05-2019-0130
Farooq, M., Farooq, O., & Cheffi, W. (2019). How do employees respond to the CSR initiatives of their organizations: empirical evidence from developing countries. Sustainability, 11(9), 2646 10.3390/su11092646
Farooq, O., Farooq, M., & Reynaud, E. (2019). Does Employees’ Participation in Decision Making Increase the level of Corporate Social and Environmental Sustainability? An Investigation in South Asia. Sustainability, 11(2), 511. 10.3390/su11020511
Arshad, M., Farooq, O., & Farooq, M. (2019). The effect of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on entrepreneurial intentions. Management Decision. 10.1108/MD-04-2016-0248
Farooq, O., Rupp, D. E., & Farooq, M. (2017). The multiple pathways through which internal and external corporate social responsibility influence organizational identification and multifoci outcomes: The moderating role of cultural and social orientations. Academy of management journal, 60(3), 954-985. 10.5465/amj.2014.0849
Arshad, M., Farooq, O., Sultana, N., & Farooq, M. (2016). Determinants of individuals’ entrepreneurial intentions: a gender-comparative study. Career Development International. 10.1108/CDI-10-2015-0135
Farooq, M., Farooq, O., & Jasimuddin, S. M. (2014). Employees response to corporate social responsibility: Exploring the role of employees’ collectivist orientation. European Management Journal, 32(6), 916-927. 10.1016/j.emj.2014.03.002
At undergraduate and Master Level
Performance Management, Business Data Communication,Strategic Management,Management Information System,Organizational Behavior, Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management, Corporate Social Responsibility.
At PhD level
Seminar in Organization Behavior,Seminar in Strategic Management, Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Research, Multivariate Data Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling.
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.
This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Academy of Management
Published in: Management Decision
Mar 11, 2019
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate how and when intrinsic (personal growth, affiliation, community contribution, health) and extrinsic (financial success, fame, physical appearance) goals affect individuals’ entrepreneurial intentions (EIs). The study uses goal contents theory to propose that intrinsic and extrinsic goals positively influence individuals’ EIs. The authors further argue that the collectivism moderates the effect of intrinsic and extrinsic goals on individuals EIs. Design/methodology/approach – A survey was designed to collect data from business graduates at a university in Pakistan. The measurement model and the hypothesized model were tested using the structural equation modeling technique in MPlus 7.0. Findings – The results suggest that all four intrinsic goals and three extrinsic goals positively affect individuals’ EIs. However, financial success and fame appear to be the most prominent determinants of EIs. Similarly, personal growth and contribution to community are strong predictors of individuals’ EIs. Conversely, health, physical appearance and affiliation motives were found to have a weaker effect on individuals’ EIs. Moreover, the results show that collectivist orientation negatively moderates the effect of intrinsic goals on individuals’ EIs, but positively moderates the effect of extrinsic goals. These results suggest that the EIs of individuals with high collectivist orientation are mainly induced by extrinsic goals, whereas intrinsic factors play a greater role in stimulating the EIs of individuals with low collectivism. Originality/value – Extant research has paid little attention to intrinsic and extrinsic goals as determinants of individuals’ EIs. Thus, this study explores how and when intrinsic and extrinsic goals develop individuals’ EIs. This study is the first of its kind to highlight the importance of individuals’ cultural orientation (collectivism) to determine the alternative role of intrinsic and extrinsic goals in developing individuals’ EIs. In addition, this study was conducted in a different cultural setting (i.e. South Asia), which provides an opportunity to expand the boundary conditions of the phenomenon by offering an alternative perspective on this issue.
Published in: Academy of Management Journal
Jun 01, 2017
In this paper, we use a social identity theory perspective to study the mechanisms through which internal and external corporate social responsibility (CSR) influence employee identification and its subsequent outcomes, as well as the boundary conditions on these effects. We posit that CSR actions focusing on external stakeholders enhance perceived prestige whereas CSR actions focusing on employee welfare enhance perceived respect—both of which are argued to influence employee organizational identification but differentially impact different forms of employee citizenship. These relationships were predicted to vary in strength, however, due to individual differences in social (local vs. cosmopolitan) and cultural (individualist vs. collectivist) orientations. Data are presented from 408 employees of a fast-moving consumer goods conglomerate operating in South Asia (Study 1) and from 415 employees spanning nine companies in two culturally distinct regions (France and Pakistan, Study 2). The results, which largely support our theoretical framework, are discussed in terms of their implications for both our understanding of the psychology of CSR as well as social identity theory more generally
Published in: European Management Journal
Dec 01, 2014
Since the extant literature largely ignores the conditions that moderate the impact of CSR on employees’ related outcomes, we examine the moderating effect of employees’ collectivist orientation on the relationship of CSR. Most specifically, this study explores how individual employee differences moderate the influence of CSR on employee behavior. Using self-reports of 378 employees we examined how employees’ collectivist orientation moderates the relationship of CSR on knowledge sharing behavior through organizational identification. Three of the four components (i.e., community, employees, and consumers) of CSR positively affect employees’ organizational identification and knowledge-sharing behavior. However, while the effects of community-related CSR actions on the employees’ outcomes are stronger for individualistic employees, the effect of employee-related CSR actions on organizational identification is stronger for collectivist employees. The findings are unique in the sense that we show empirically that different employees are influenced by different types of CSR actions. The study therefore suggests that the internal affects of CSR activities depend on the nature of the employees witnessing them.
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