يونيو 01, 2024
Publisher: Informatica
Ayman Odeh
OpenCV and Its Applications in Artificial Intelligent Systems
Unmasking deepfakes: Advances in fake video detection
A Comparative Review of AI Techniques for Automated Code Generation in Software Development: Advancements, Challenges, and Future Directions.
Measuring cyclomatic complexity of source code using machine learning.
AI Methods Used for Spam Detection in Social Systems – an overview
Enhancement Of Pre-Trained Deep Learning Models To Improve Brain Tumor Classification
Machine Learning Model for Measuring Cyclomatic Complexity of Source Code
Using natural language processing for programming language code classification with Multinomial Naive Bayes
Using Multinomial Naïve Bayes Machine Learning Method to Classify, Detect and Recognize Programming Language Source Code,
Hand-written text recognition methods: Review study.
Software Source Code: Theoretical Analyzing and Practical Reviewing Model
Increasing the efficiency of online healthcare services software and mobile applications using artificial intelligence technology
Medical patient appointments management using smart software system in UAE
دراسة تحليلية ومقارنة للغات برمجة الويب الرئيسية - ASP و PHP
نظام ادارة ملف المساقات الالكترونية
نمذجة نظام التبريد الحراري الشمسي في حتا دبي
الأخطاء الكامنة في شيفرة المصدر وعلاقتها بجودة البرمجيات
تقدير تخمين الجهد والكلفة باستخدام خصائص متطلبات البرمجيات
Recruiting a Quality Software Developer
نظام لقياس جودة شيفرة المصدر للبرمجيات
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