
  • Researches

Big data: ethical issues

Published in: Global Business and Economics Review

Jan 30, 2019

2- Alnaji L. Eletter S.

The internet played a heroic role in the information revolution by bringing with it a greater scope of change, not only technologically, but societally as well. Convergence of computers and communications and what they do with information has changed our lives. Dependence on data has increased dramatically in the past decade, whether data are used by governments to monitor terrorism or by businesses to survive in the market or provide a competitive advantage. But with such powerful tools comes ...


Life movement management

Published in: Life movement management

Jan 23, 2019

/ Mahmoud Askari

أقدم في هذا الكتاب تصورا جديدا لحركة الحياة وما يحددها وماهية أركانها ضمن تصور جديد يساعد على فهم أفعال الناس وما يحفزهم للقيام بها. وأضع بين يدي القارىء الكريم معادلة لفهم جوانب حركة الحياة الأربعة. وإنني لأرجو من الله سبحانه وتعالى أن ينفع به خلقه، وأن يعينهم على فهم ما يحدث في هذه الحياة من أفعال تصدر عن البشر أو المؤسسات أو الدول، وأن يعين به على إدارة وتغيير ما لا يرغب به من أفعال وإستبدالها بالمستحب منها على مستوى الأفراد والمؤسسات والمجتمعات.


How Mexican students perceive their classroom experience from their professors

Published in: Tertiary Education and Management

Jan 19, 2019

What relationships exist between Mexican students and their professors? This paper compares student expectations with their experiences. This comparison is done by analyzing which elements of personality, teaching style and learning environment are valued by Mexican students in the course of their formal university education. The study was conducted at two different Mexican multi-campus universities using a survey method. exploratory factor analysis was used to aggregate characteristics that s...



Published in: Financial and business research journal [Port Said University]

Jan 06, 2019

Purpose: This paper explores the nature and determinants of corporate social reporting (CSR) in Egyptian listed companies using publicly available sources, including annual reports, stand-alone reports and corporate internet disclosures. Design/methodology/approach: A 55-point content analysis from 6 categories was developed using both Egyptian sustainability reporting guidelines and the Global Reporting Initiative reporting guidelines. Both the index score and number of sentences were used ...


The determinants of liquidity of Indian listed commercial banks: A panel data approach

Published in: Cogent Economics & Finance,

Jan 03, 2019

Tabash Farhan Almaqtari Alhomaidi

The aim objective of this study is to examine the liquidity determinants of Indian listed commercial banks. The study has applied both GMM and pooled, fixed and random effect models to a panel of 37 commercial banks listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) in India for the period from 2008 to 2017. The banks’ liquidity (LQD) was taken as a dependent variable which functioned against both bank-specific and macroeconomic determinants. The results indicated that among the bank‐specific factors, b...

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