Abu Dhabi Campus
Jamil Razmak always tries to change the Rolling Stones’ saying, “You don't always get what you want but you do get what you need”. In order to kick-start that mission, he pursued his MBA and PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies of Business Technology Management at Laurentian University in Canada. Taking a Ph.D. in an interdisciplinary program has been good for him since he was highly number-oriented and uni-dimensional when he enrolled. He utilized the benefits of branching out his interests to other peripheral domains. His current position is teaching at AAU in the Management Department. He teaches several courses including innovation and entrepreneurship, strategic management and leadership, while he drowns himself publishing in high ranked journals (indexed in AACSB-approved list of quality journals and Scopus). Furthermore, he successfully engaged in the UAE-Stanford Innovation & Entrepreneurship program and learnt the best practices even in the smallest details in design thinking and opportunity analysis methods. He was fortunate enough to receive a nomination from the Ministry of Higher Education in the UAE to attend a non-degree professional training program in the School of Engineering at Stanford University in California, USA.
Innovation and Change Management, e-health Applications, Business Analytics, and Decision Support Systems.
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.
This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Published in: Technology in Society
Sep 01, 2019
Focusing on Human E-learning Interaction (HEI), this interdisciplinary research integrates concepts from instructional communication and instructional technology and applies them to e-learning systems, focusing on academic stakeholders' roles and competencies. The purpose of this research is to propose and design an E-learning User Interface (ELUI) using web programming languages to support instructional communication in an online learning environment. The proposed interface, considering both students' and teachers' perspectives, identifies several new features that contribute to success in interactive e-learning systems in academic organizations. A sample of 102 students and 10 teachers selected from a university in Canada were asked to browse the ELUI proposed in this study and provide feedback. Using a mixed methods approach, this study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis to provide a more robust understanding of student and teacher perceptions of the ELUI. Students' attitudes toward use of the interface were analyzed using the Technology Acceptance Model, while teachers’ perceptions were analyzed through content analysis of semi-structured interviews. The results of regression analysis showed that perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of ELUI are predictive of student attitude toward future use of the ELUI. The results of the interviews revealed that teachers believe the ELUI would be efficient, particularly with adequate training and support, though were unable to comment on the cost effectiveness of e-learning systems. The overall results suggest that academic decision-makers should adopt instructional communication features in e-learning systems.
Published in: Tertiary Education and Management
Jan 19, 2019
What relationships exist between Mexican students and their professors? This paper compares student expectations with their experiences. This comparison is done by analyzing which elements of personality, teaching style and learning environment are valued by Mexican students in the course of their formal university education. The study was conducted at two different Mexican multi-campus universities using a survey method. exploratory factor analysis was used to aggregate characteristics that students were looking for in their teachers. Results indicate that expectations were not met a single time and the difference between expectations and experiences was statistically significant in all of the 52 items compared.Students are counting on the personality of their teachers to adapt their teaching styles and provide a positive learning environment.
Published in: Journal of Decision Systems
Sep 30, 2018
In assessing the benefits of using e-health systems, the main goal of this study is to evaluate the real use of the clinical decision support system (CDSS) between 2007 and 2014 in Canada’s healthcare sector. The quantitative method was based on data collected by the National Physician Survey in Canada. Results indicate that 63.8% of healthcare providers were using a CDSS at work in 2014 to help them in the decision-making process, a sixfold improvement since 2007. As for usage rate by sex, we found a statistically significant difference between men and women, with women from the Canadian physicians’ group reporting greater CDSS use than men. In all age groups, a higher percentage of younger physicians used a CDSS in their practice. A number of suggestions are put forth to improve technological infrastructure and reduce the gap among age groups, genders and specialties.
Published in: International Journal of Medical Informatics
May 17, 2018
Background and Purpose: After investing billions of dollars in an integrated Electronic Medical Records (physicians) and Personal Health Records (patients) system to allow both parties to manage and communicate through e-health innovative technologies, Canada is still making slow adoption progress. In an attempt to bridge the human and technological perspectives by developing and testing a holistic model, this study purports to predict patients’ behavioral intentions to use e-health applications. Methods: An interdisciplinary approach labelled as a techno-humanism model (THM) is testing twelve constructs identified from the technological, sociological, psychological, and organizational research literature and deemed to have a significant effect upon and positive relationship with patients’ e-health applications adoption. Subjects were Canadians recruited in a mall-intercept mode from a region representing a demographically diverse population, including rural and urban residents. The SmartPLS measurement tool was used to evaluate the reliability and validity of study constructs. The twelve constructs were separately tested with quantitative data such as factor analysis, single, multiple, and hierarchical multiple regression. Results: The hierarchical multiple regression analysis process led us to formulate four models, each hinged on a combination of interdisciplinary variables. Model 1 consisted of the technological predictors and explained 62.3% (p < .001) of variance in the behavioral intention to use e-health. Model 2 added the sociological predictors to the equation and explained 72.3% (p < .001) of variance. Model 3 added the psychological predictors to Model 2 and explained 72.8% (p < .001). Finally, Model 4 included all twelve predictors and explained 73% (p < .001) of variance in the behavioral intention to use e-health applications. Conclusions: One of the greatest barriers to applying e-health records in Canada resides in the lack of coordination among stakeholders. The present study implies that healthcare policy makers must consider the twelve variables with their findings and implications as a whole. The techno-humanist model (THM) we are proposing is a more holistic and continuous approach. It pushes back to a breakdown of the various technological, sociological, psychological, and managerial factors and stakeholders that are at the root cause of behavioral intentions to use e-health, as opposed to merely observing behavioral outcomes at the end of the “assembly line”. Active participation and coordination of all stakeholders is a key feature.
Published in: Information Technology & People
Apr 08, 2018
perceives the usability of electronic personal health records (PHRs) and, in the process, to increase Canadian patients’ awareness of PHRs and improve physicians’ confidence in their patients’ ability to manage their own health information through PHRs. Design/methodology/approach – The authors surveyed 325 Canadian patients living in Northern Ontario to assess a research model consisting of seven perceptions of PHR systems used to manage personal health information electronically, and to assess their perceived ability to use PHR systems. The survey questions were adapted from the 2014 National Physician Survey in Canada. The authors compared the patients’ results with physicians’ own perceptions of their patients’ ability to use PHR systems. Findings – First, there was a positive relationship between surveyed patients’ prior experiences, needs, values, and their attitude toward adopting the PHR system. Second, how patients saw a PHR system’s user-friendliness was the strongest predictor of how useful they considered it would be. Finally, of the 243 physician respondents, 90.3 percent believed their patients would not be able to manage their own e-health information via a PHR system, but 54.8 percent of the 325 patient respondents indicated they would be able to do so. Originality/value – This study is unique in that the authors know of no other Canadian study that purports to predict, using the technology acceptance model factors, people’s attitudes toward adopting a PHR system. As well, this is the first Canadian study to compare the perspectives of healthcare providers and their patients on e-health applications.
Published in: International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance
May 20, 2017
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to document the need for implementing a fall prevention strategy in an emergency department (ED). The paper also spells out the research process that led to approving an assessment tool for use in hospital outpatient services. Design/methodology/approach – The fall risk assessment tool was based on the Morse Fall Scale. Gender mix and age above 65 and 80 years were assessed on six risk assessment variables using χ2 analyses. A logistic regression analysis and model were used to test predictor strength and relationships among variables. Findings – In total, 5,371 (56.5 percent) geriatric outpatients were deemed to be at fall risk during the study.Women have a higher falls incidence in young and old age categories. Being on medications for patients above 80 years exposed both genders to equal fall risks. Regression analysis explained 73-98 percent of the variance in the six-variable tool. Originality/value – Canadian quality and safe healthcare accreditation standards require that hospital staff develop and adhere to fall prevention policies. Anticipated physiological falls can be prevented by healthcare interventions, particularly with older people known to bear higher risk factors. An aging population is increasing healthcare volumes and medical challenges. Precautionary measures for patients with a vulnerable cognitive and physical status are essential for quality care.
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