In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.
This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Sep 28, 2024
This paper introduces a compact dual-element multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) implantable antenna for high-data-rate wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) applications. The proposed antenna works at 915 and 2450 MHz with respective fractional bandwidths (FBWs) of 23.6 and 12.14%. The two-port MIMO system consists of two triangular-shaped radiators arranged face-to-face, forming a square configuration. The edge-to-edge distance between the radiators is 0.3 mm, indicating that the radiating elements are placed extremely close to each other. Three semi-circular slots, three edge slots in the patch, a conducting via in each patch, and a high permittivity substrate are utilized to reduce the antenna's volume (9.8 × 9.8 × 0.3 = 28.81 mm3). To minimize electromagnetic (EM) coupling between both patches, a diagonal slot measuring 12.5 × 0.3 mm2 is etched in the ground plane, and a 6.5 nH inductor is added between the radiating patches. As a result, the mutual coupling values of -35.85 and -31.6 dB are observed at 915 and 2450 MHz, respectively. The effectiveness of the MIMO system is validated through the analysis of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) and link budget performance, both showing satisfactory results. With an input power of 1 W, the maximum SAR is 41.2 W/kg for 915 MHz and 43.2 W/kg for 2450 MHz. Channel parameters for the 2 × 2 MIMO configuration are calculated and validated, showing a channel capacity of 9.1 bps/Hz at SNR = 20 dB. A prototype is developed and tested in the minced pork to validate simulations. Based on the results and performance, the proposed MIMO antenna system demonstrates high potential for high-data-rate capsule endoscopes.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Sep 11, 2024
This article presents a compact self-quadruplexing antenna for scalp-implantable devices. The proposed self-quadruplexing antenna operates at 168 MHz [industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) band], 433 MHz (ISM band), 915 MHz (ISM band), and 1400 MHz [wireless medical telemetry service (WMTS) band] when Ports 1, 2, 3, and 4 are activated, respectively. The proposed antenna is simulated inside a rectangular device in the head of a human phantom. The suggested antenna comprises four individually excited semicircular meandered resonators with a common ground plane. The compactness of the design is achieved using a high dielectric substrate and using semicircular meandered resonators. The meandered resonators enlarge the current path, resulting in significant miniaturization. As a result, the proposed antenna consumes a small volume of 12 × 14.5 × 0.13 = 22.62 mm3. The coupling among all ports is also minimized using an ultrathin substrate. Consequently, the mutual coupling between any two ports is less than -21.8 dB. It provides a peak gain of -36.24, -34.78, -31.39, and -30.10 dBi at 168, 433, 915, and 1400 MHz, respectively. The link budget and specific absorption rate (SAR) analyses are performed to see the possible applications in the head implant, which show promising results. The 10-g SAR values of 0.017, 0.016, 0.014, and 0.013 W/kg are realized at 168, 433, 915, and 1400 MHz, respectively. Based on a link margin (LM) ≥10 dB, the proposed self-quadruplexing antenna can communicate up to 20, 17.5, 12, and 9 m at 168, 433, 915 and 1400 MHz, respectively (at B_r = 120 Mbps). Furthermore, the simultaneous transmit and receive (STAR) ability of this antenna is validated using software-defined radios (SDRs). To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first-ever self-quadruplexing implantable antenna designed so far.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Jul 01, 2024
This paper introduces a novel self-triplexing implantable antenna designed to operate in head implants. It works at three distinct frequency bands: 403 MHz on Port 1, 915 MHz on Port 2, and 1410 MHz on Port 3. The antenna design incorporates a high-permittivity laminate and triangular meandered resonators, which extend the current path and enable significant miniaturization. The resulting antenna occupies a volume of only 8 mm × 12.5 mm × 0.3 mm (30 mm3). An ultra-thin substrate of 0.3 mm is utilized to reduce mutual coupling between the ports, achieving values below -24.3 dB. By activating each port of the antenna with 1W power, the 10-g specific absorption rate (SAR) values are recorded at 45.9, 42.4, and 41.2 W/kg for the frequencies 403, 915, and 1410 MHz, respectively. The antenna exhibits peak gains of -35.7, -31.3, and -28.6 dBi at the respective frequencies. Comprehensive link budget and SAR analyses demonstrate the antenna's potential for head implant applications. The validation of the fabricated prototype is conducted through measurements inside minced pork meat. Additionally, two software-defined radios are used to practically validate the simultaneous transmit and receive capabilities. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first self-triplexing implantable antenna, a promising choice for next-generation implantable devices.
Published in: IEEE Internet of Things Journal
Apr 09, 2024
This paper proposes an implantable antenna using a three-dimensional (3-D) multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) configuration, which operates at 915 and 2450 MHz bands. Both frequency bands are wider enough to cover the important industrial, scientific, and medical (ISM) bands at 915 and 2450 MHz. Using a meandered geometry, introducing capacitive regions between meandered arms and partially slotted ground keeps the antenna dimensions small. Consequently, it consumes an overall volume of 5×5×4.75 = 118.75 mm3 (0.0001λg3, where λg is the guided wavelength at 915 MHz). All elements of the antenna radiate in diversified directions, enabling radiation pattern diversity, resulting in a lower envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) value. Moreover, it provides good gains at both frequency bands (–28.85 dBi at 915 MHz and –20.68 dBi at 2450 MHz). The MIMO channel parameters, and user safety analysis are performed, indicating satisfactory results.Each element of the proposed antenna has a peak SAR value of 306.19 and 252.36 W/Kg at 915 MHz and 2.45 GHz, respectively. The radiation efficiency of the MIMO antenna system is noted to be 0.15 and 0.19% at 915 and 2450 MHz, respectively. When the implant has Br = 120 Mbps (high-speed connectivity), the proposed antenna can cover an area up to 8 and 5.2 m at 915 and 2450 MHz, respectively. The practical validation of the proposed design is performed considering two software-defined radios (SDRs). To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the most compact 3-D implantable MIMO antenna that has been designed to date.
Published in: AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications
Dec 05, 2023
This paper proposes a compact and frequency-adjustable/reconfigurable dielectric (DR)-loaded eighth-mode substrate integrated waveguide (EMSIW) antenna for duplex wireless communications. The miniaturization of the resonators is realized using a rectangular slot and high isolation is achieved by keeping a reasonable space between them. The proposed design is simulated using a three-dimensional (3D) full-wave simulator, then analysed with a circuit model and finally validated experimentally. Frequency-reconfigurability in the suggested antenna is achieved by placing DRs with different permittivities in the designated holes that are realized in the open-ended portion of each resonator. Consequently, the lower- and high-resonant bands can be reconfigured from 4.70 to 5.23 GHz and from 5.55 to 6.34 GHz, respectively. It is worth mentioning that both resonant band can be independently reconfigured. Moreover, the inter-resonator coupling is always lower than −23.5 dB in the bands of interest. Furthermore, the peak realized gains are always greater than 4.7 dBi in the lower frequency band and 5.5 dBi in the higher one. The suggested antenna has stable radiation properties in both bands in all frequency ranges. Hence, this design is suitable for compact reconfigurable devices due to its compactness, large frequency ranges, stable radiation patterns, and high isolation.
Published in: Scientific Reports
Jan 10, 2023
Presented here is a reactively loaded microstrip transmission line that exhibit an ultra-wide bandgap. The reactive loading is periodically distributed along the transmission line, which is electromagnetically coupled. The reactive load consists of a circular shaped patch which is converted to a metamaterial structure by embedded on it two concentric slit-rings. The patch is connected to the ground plane with a via-hole. The resulting structure exhibits electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) properties. The size and gap between the slit-rings dictate the magnitude of the reactive loading. The structure was first theoretically modelled to gain insight of the characterizing parameters. The equivalent circuit was verified using a full-wave 3D electromagnetic (EM) solver. The measured results show the proposed EBG structure has a highly sharp 3-dB skirt and a very wide bandgap, which is substantially larger than any EBG structure reported to date. The bandgap rejection of the single EBG unit-cell is better than − 30 dB, and the five element EBG unit-cell is better than − 90 dB. The innovation can be used in various applications such as biomedical applications that are requiring sharp roll-off rates and high stopband rejection thus enabling efficient use of the EM spectrum. This can reduce guard band and thereby increase the channel capacity of wireless systems.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Nov 06, 2019
In this paper, a novel design of dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) with a reconfigurable radiation pattern capability is presented. Reconfigurability in the azimuth plane is achieved by symmetrically placing six electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) sectors around the DRA. Each sector is composed of twenty-six circular shaped mushroom-like EBG unit cell. In order to achieve 360 degrees pattern reconfigurability with a minimum number of diodes, a network of metallic veins printed on a conductor-backed dielectric slab is used to group and connect the vias in each EBG sector. In addition, a switching PIN diode is integrated to the circuit to control the beam steering in the entire azimuth plane towards the respective desired sector by turning On and Off the diode. 60 GHz DRA prototype incorporating the EBG switching circuit is fabricated and tested. Results show 360 degrees pattern reconfigurability in the azimuth plane, with a realized gain of 4.2 dBi, and less than -16 dB impedance matching level over the desired bandwidth are achieved
Published in: Progress In Electromagnetics Research
Jun 01, 2019
In this work, a simple propagation channel model for microwave-based pinless subsea connectors in the 5 GHz band is presented. Both high electromagnetic attenuation in seawater due to absorption and the near-field working conditions typically present for underwater connectors are taken into consideration. Therefore, a simplified path loss model based on linear regression is identified. The study shows that high-speed pinless subsea connectors are a reality over several cm of seawater gap when appropriate microwave receiver technology is selected with sensitivities of about-100 dBm. Experimental results show that both half-duplex gigabits-per-second and full-duplex 100-Mbps technologies have a strong potential to be developed in the 5 GHz band.
Published in: IEEE Access
May 01, 2019
A novel millimeter-wave hybrid isolator is presented to reduce the mutual-coupling (MC) between two closely-spaced dielectric resonator (DR) antennas at 60 GHz. The proposed hybrid isolator consists of a combination of a new uni-planar compact electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structure and a Millimeter-wave (MMW) choke absorber. The design of the proposed EBG unit-cell is based on the stepped-impedance resonator (SIR) technique. Results show that the proposed EBG structure provides a wide frequency bandgap in the 60 GHz band with miniaturization factors of 0.79 and 0.66 compared to conventional uni-planar EBG and uni-planar compact (UC-EBG) structures, respectively. The proposed EBG is then placed between two Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) DR antennas to reduce the MC level. As a result, an average of 7 dB level reduction is obtained. To further reduce the MC level, a thin MMW choke absorber wall is mounted vertically between the two DR antennas and above the EBG structure. An average of 22 dB MC reduction is achieved over the suggested bandwidth while maintaining good radiation characteristics. The measured isolation of the prototype antenna varies from –29 to –49 dB in the frequency range from 59.3 GHz to 64.8 GHz. In fact, the proposed hybrid isolator outperforms other hybrid isolation techniques reported in the literature.
Published in: International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation
Feb 01, 2019
This paper presents an experimental validation of the receiver sensitivity for 100- Mbps microwave data communications in a typical subsea environment. It is demonstrated that underwater microwave-based pinless connector solutions can perform under conditions that have not been explored until now. Traditional “pinned” subsea wet-mate connectors require precise rotational and angular alignment to achieve efficient and reliable connections. The demonstrated flexibility offered by pinless connection shows clear operational and reliability advantages. In this study, experimental works are based on a simple loop antenna fabricated on PCB FR4 substrate under typical subsea boundary conditions. Measurement results show that high data throughputs of 100 Mbps are achieved at 2.4 GHz with a receiver sensitivity of -60 dBm, using optimized regular antennas. In addition, maximum data throughputs are attained for seawater gaps of about 40 mm
Published in: International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
Dec 01, 2018
In this paper, a 60 GHz high-gain dielectric resonator antenna (DRA), integrated with soft surface and capacitive soft cavity is presented. The soft surface consists of a perforated dielectric cylinder, shorting vias, and three concentric layers of metallic strips printed on both sides of the dielectric cylinder. The capacitive soft cavity comprises ten concentric planar strips printed on top of a dielectric substrate. The soft surface blocks surface wave propagation by introducing a gap waveguide, while the soft cavity focuses the beam in the main direction yielding more directive power pattern. When incorporating the soft cavity and the capacitive soft surface with the aperture-coupled DRA, simulation results show a gain increase of up to 3 dB, front-to-back ratio enhancement of 7 dB, and less radiation toward the substrate edges.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Jul 01, 2015
A new millimeter-wave (MMW), electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structure is presented. The proposed EBG structure without the use of metallic vias or vertical components is formed by etching two slots and adding two connecting bridges to a conventional uniplanar EBG unit-cell. The transmission characteristics of the proposed EBG structure are measured. Results show that the proposed EBG structure has a wide bandgap around the 60 GHz band. The size of the proposed EBG unit-cell is 78% less than a conventional uniplanar EBG, and 72% less than a uniplanar-compact EBG (UC-EBG) operating at the same frequency band. Moreover, and despite the fabrication limitations at the 60 GHz band, the proposed EBG unit-cell provides at least 12% more size reduction than any other planar EBG structures at microwave frequencies. Its enhanced performance and applicability to reduce mutual coupling in antenna arrays are then investigated. Results show a drastic decrease in the mutual coupling level. This EBG structure can find its applications in MMW wireless communication systems.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
Jul 02, 2013
Design, fabrication and testing of millimeter-wave (MMW) dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) surrounded by electromagnetic band-gap (EBG) structure are presented. For this purpose, MMW mushroom-like, circular patch EBG (CP-EBG) cell is designed and fabricated. The propagation characteristics of the proposed CP-EBG structure are measured using the asymmetric microstrip line method. A cylindrical DRA incorporating the developed CP-EBG structure is then designed and its performance is evaluated with and without the CP-EBG around the 60 GHz bandwidth. Measurements show a significant improvement in the antenna radiation characteristics when it is surrounded by CP-EBG structure. A gain increase of up to 3.2 dBi is obtained while preserving the gain flatness over the suggested bandwidth ( ± 0.7 dB). An additional backlobe suppression of up to 6.5 dBi is achieved. Moreover, radiation toward substrate edges is significantly reduced.
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