
  • د. سمير دقماق

د. سمير دقماق


مقر العين


  • Ph.D. of Education - Special Education, Center for Educational Needs - University of Manchester, England (2002)
  • M.Ed. (Master of Education in Special Education), Center for Educational Needs - University of Manchester, England (1989)
  • Professional & Advanced Diploma in Community-Based Rehabilitation, Institute of Child Health, University of London, England (1988)
  • BA in Psychology & Sociology, Social Sciences Department, University of Bethlehem, Palestine (1985)

الاهتمامات البحثية

1. الشمولية والتعليم الجامع أو الشامل

2. الضغوطات والتوترات النفسية لدى أولياء أمور الأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة

3. دافعية الطلبة على التعلم

4. الاضطرابات السلوكية

5. تحليل السلوك التطبيقي

منشورات مختارة

Alkhatib, R., Dukmak, S., El-Dahiyat, F. & Abojedi, A. (2024). Developing the first Arabic quality of life for parents of children with Autism (QoLA) scale: Translation, cultural adaptation and   psychometric validationMiddle East Current Psychiatry. 10.1186/s43045-024-00422-9, 

Alhassan, A.A.H., Gharaibeh, M. & Dukmak, S. (2024). Reasons for Sexual Assault & Victimization among Children with Autism: A Survey on the Perspective of Jordan Autism Specialized TeachersThe International Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies, 19(1), 141-162. 

Abo Hamza, E, G., Tindle, R., Bedewy, D., Dukmak, S.J., Ayoub, A.E.A & Moustafa A.A. (2024). Psychological Factors Impacting Joining STEM-Related Majors in the United Arab Emirates.  Journal of Social Studies Education Research (JSSER), 15(1), 91-118.   

Alkhatib, R.N.Gharaibeh, M.Dukmak, S.J.Ijha, M.A. (2023). Special education Teachers' attitudes to teaching students with disabilities in the regular school system in the United Arab  EmiratesJournal of Research in Special Educational  Needs, 24(2), 405-416. https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-3802.12639.

Dukmak, S.J.Gharaibeh, M.Alkhatib, R.N.Ijha, M.A. (2023). The attitudes of parents of typically developing students towards including students with disabilities in mainstream classrooms in the United Arab EmiratesJournal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 23(4), pp. 323–334.

Zubair, M.Alam, A.Dukmak, S. (2023). Harvesting the crops of ability grouping  practice in schools from the field of literatureCogent Education, 10(1), 2198478,  DOI: 10.1080/2331186X.2023.2198478

Dukmak, S.J., Mousa, A. & Gharaibeh, M. (2023). Child Behavior Problems as Predictors of Stress in Parents of Children with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities in Four Emirates of the   United Arab EmiratesJournal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 16(2), pp. 114–141

Gharaibeh, M. & Dukmak, S. (2022). Effect of computer-based multisensory program on English reading skills of students with Dyslexia and reading difficulties. Applied Neuropsychology: Child,   11(3),504–517. DOI: 10.1080/21622965.2021.1898395.

Dukmak, S.J. & Alkhatib, R. (2021). Social Support and Social Opportunities as Predictors of Stress among Parents of Children with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities in Abu Dhabi Emirate, United Arab Emirates. Journal of Mental Health Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 14(4), 388–411. 

Dukmak, S., Aburezeq, I.M. and Khaled, A. (2019). Public school teachers ‘perceived sense of self-efficacy in teaching students with disabilities in the United Arab Emirates. Int. J. Economics and Business Research, 17(1), 34-52.

المواد التدريسية

Introduction to Special Education.

Trends & Issues in Special Education.

Thinking skills Course (taught four times)

Teaching in Diverse classrooms.

Human Development.

Child Normal and Abnormal Development.

Introduction to Psychology.

Psychological Problems among Children.

Behavioral and Emotional Disorders.

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

Communication Disorders.

Inclusion for Children with Special Needs.

Research Skills.

Learning disabilities.

Teaching Reading & Writing for Children with Special Needs.

Early Intervention Programs & Services. 

Supervised Field Work for student teachers.



PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS/ Member in Professional Committees: 

Professional Member of the USA Center for Exceptional Children (CEC). 

Member of Global Research Initiatives-Abu Dhabi.

Member of the International Society of Global Health.




أهداف التنمية المستدامة المرتبطة بالخبرات

في عام 2015 اتفقت الدول الأعضاء في الأمم المتحدة على 17 هدفًا للتنمية المستدامة لإنهاء الفقر، وحماية الكوكب، وضمان الرفاه للجميع.

تساهم خبرة هذه الشخصية في أهداف التنمية المستدامة التالية:


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